Java for mozilla firefox
Java for mozilla firefox

java for mozilla firefox

  • Command line options, referring to the options the Firefox application (Linux binary) will be launched with.
  • There are two submenus within the Firefox browser options that allow for even more advanced configuration, going beyond what is available in the NoTouch menu: See Citrix Receiver configuration#Proxy settings for more information. Note that the Citrix Receiver has its own proxy configuration but can inherit the Firefox configuration settings. If you set the proxy type to "System", this connection will inherit from the system-level proxy settings. The proxy settings here match the settings you would have when configuring Firefox via its native preferences dialog. the Firefox preferences dialog will not allow them to be modified. The parameter "Lock preferences" will lock preferences that are set, i.e. French Canadians might want to enter fr_CA,en_CA,en_US to have French set as the desired language with fallback English (Canada) and then English (US).įurthermore, you can block automatic loading of images, pop-up windows, and Javascript.Īccessing the preferences from inside Firefox, via the Preferences menu entry, would allow a user to change preferences, at least for the current session (remember, writes are not persistent by default). The order matters! So for example, if you would prefer to see Web pages in Italian, but speak English as well, you could enter it, en. There are parameters to specify the accepted languages - a comma-separated list in standard locale formats, such as en or en_US for English or English/USA. Three separate options allow you to control the appearance of the tab bar, navigation bar, and menu bar. With the Window size "Maximized" or "Fullscreen", both options "Window width (X)" and "Window height (Y)" have no effect (of course). If you select "X/Y size", you should enter your desired Window height and width into the appropriate parameters. Other options would be "fullscreen" - without window title bar, without window borders, and covering all screen including the taskbar with its start menu or "X/Y size", meaning run in a window of size X pixels horizontally and Y pixels vertically. By default, a blank page will be shown only when both the Startup URL and the Connection target are empty.īy default, Firefox will be run maximized - Maximized means that there is still the taskbar visible as well as the window title bar. The "Start page" parameter can override the behavior and display a blank page, even if a startup URL is already set. It will preempt any setting in the Connection target parameter that means, if both the Connection/Connection target parameter and the Firefox-Browser/Startup URL parameters are set, the Startup URL parameter will win. The "Startup URL" parameter contains the URL that the browser should launch at startup. Advanced aspects regarding the browser can be found there.

    java for mozilla firefox

    Refer to the submenu "Firefox web browser", or simply "Browser" in NoTouch Center. This behavior can be modified as well as other aspects of the system. This makes NoTouch a great web kiosk system by default. A reboot will clear out even downloaded files. When closing Firefox and restarting later, all these modifications will be gone. Please set the "Force execution as root" parameter to on in the Connection settings and read below about the implications.īy default, all writes done by the web browser, such as changing preferences inside Firefox, saving bookmarks, cookies, web cache etc. Important note: In the default configuration, Firefox is not allowed to do a lot, it can not even access the sound/audio device. See below for the configuration possibilities. For instance, you can configure the client to come up automatically after boot time and you can modify all Firefox options (submenu Firefox web browser) under the Connection options. From there you can, of course, change many different options. This is enough to get a Browser setup - it's really that easy.

  • If, and only if you want to start the browser start with a specific URL, such as your company web page, type that URL into the "Connection target" parameter.
  • #Java for mozilla firefox software

  • Create a connection and set the connection mode to "Firefox web browser" (or "WWW-Browser" in older software versions).
  • Making your endpoint start a Firefox web browser is easy and requires only two steps: This assumes you are familiar with configuring NoTouch locally or via NoTouch Center and especially how server connections are created and configured.
  • 13.2 Allow Internet, but no obscene or illegal material.
  • 13.1 No Internet, just Intranet or connection broker only.
  • 12 Updating Firefox without updating the OS image.
  • 6.3 Distribute Firefox profile via NoTouch Center.
  • 6.1 Make NoTouch save all user changes to Firefox.

  • Java for mozilla firefox